Thursday, April 15, 2010

Recommended Resources

This is one of my favorite things to use when I cook. It turns out it was the best cooking related purchase I had ever made. It basically tells you how to make certain foods just how the restaurants do it, but what amazes me is that it is better and way more accurate than any other cooking resource I've tried. The best part about it is it contains a list of a large variety of restaurants like Applebees and Red Lobster (there is a complete list on the site). I guarantee you that if you give this a go you will not be disappointed!

Here it is, and happy cooking! My Favorite restaurant cook book

Another one of my favorite cookbooks to use in general. Includes many great gluten free, dairy free, and preservative free recipes and has two cookbooks with 120 recipes each.

This is an absolutely indespensable tool for any cook. My Favorite cookbook in General

My third and final resource for you all is a good cookbook for dieters. This is an amazing tool I hope all of you will use whether you are just trying to eat healthy or lose weight or both. I've used it with amazing results.

I highly recommend this one more than all the others. My favorite Dieters Cookbook

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